Being Intentional: Simple Sources of Happiness

By: Morgan Jacobus, Editor in Chief

Take a moment and think to yourself, ‘What makes me happy?’ Don’t overthink it, it can be as simple as mac and cheese (yes, that is on my list). 

Now I want you to think of how you can bring more of what makes you happy into your life. The important thing here is just being intentional with how you bring happiness into your life. Something that has taken me a while to accept is that you make time for what is important to you. If it is important, make time. Maybe watch one less episode of Netflix or spend 30 minutes less on your phone. There is time, you just have to find it, and put it toward what is important to you. 

Maybe working out and being active is important to you, then try and build in a 30-minute block of time each day where you go on a run, do a workout in your room… really anything that gets you moving. Perhaps spending time with your friends is important, which could be as simple as a standing lunch date with your bestie once a week. 

Something I have been making time for lately is calling my family, and by that, I mean actually calling. Though I text my mama every day, talking on the phone more often made us realize how much we were missing out on from each other’s lives. It is also just nice to hear each other’s voices. I also have been trying to call my grandparents more. My grandpa is the kind of man who will call someone when he is thinking about them, and I didn’t realize how much it can make my day and theirs if I take a few minutes to do the same. Again, simple. 

Something else I recommend is to put what makes you happy all around you and incorporate it into your life, especially at times that you need it most. Here are some of my sources of happiness that I have around me: 

  • A ring my mama gave me that makes me think of her and my dad. I wear it every day

  • Photos of my family and friends are right by my desk. Physically print out pictures y’all! They can bring a smile and a fun memory when you need it

  • Fun/ meaningful stickers on my water bottle, since I carry it with me wherever I go (stay hydrated, folks)

  • The lock screen on my phone is a picture of my dog, who makes me smile 

  • Silly objects: I have a corn keychain on my backpack, a mini stuffed octopus on my desk, a best friends keychain from Claire’s that matches my roommate on my lanyard (mine is an Oreo, and hers is a milk bottle, in case you are wondering). Just some little sources of childhood silliness that I think every college “adult” needs. 

Whatever it is that brings you joy, challenge yourself to find more ways to integrate it into your daily life. Happiness doesn’t have to be complex, sometimes it just takes a little more intentionality. Finding happiness doesn’t have to be a daunting philosophical quandary, it can be as simple as treating yourself to a cup of mac and cheese.