By Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer
Please continue to take action by pressuring our elected officials to call for a ceasefire, keep supporting Palestine in any way, and keep speaking about the horrors occurring there. The information below is only a snapshot of what is going on. Palestine needs our support!
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Caleigh Montoya, Staff Writer
Many Venezuelan immigrants have found refuge in Denver, Colorado. Their journey has been dangerous and consists of train hopping, encounters with criminals, starvation, and dehydration. Starting their journey in Texas, many have come to Denver to try and find better resources and transportation to other states.
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The Regis University Student Government Association 2024 Elections are in full swing. Here are your candidates:
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By Aydin Manzanares. Staff Photographer
On October 15th, 2023, I attended a football game at Gateway High School in Aurora, CO, that broke records and created legacies. My brother, Lyric Wynn (#34) plays for the Aurora High School Football Team (The Olympians) and I went to cheer him on.
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By Josie Weiler, Staff Photographer
Located in Waubay, South Dakota, the Citizens Climate Lobby (CCL) had their annual conference for the North Wind Region. This region includes Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Nebraska. This was a place for climate activists to come together, have conversations, and listen to speakers. The speakers talked about Geothermal Energy, Copper Mining, Agro Farming and Silvopasture, Carbon Taxing, and so much more.
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By Madelynn Loring, Staff Writer, & Dr. Drwecki’s Social Psychology Class
Dr. Rivarola is a beloved biology faculty member here at at Regis. Her dad, Alberto, is 74 years old and lives in Ayacucho, a small town in the Buenos Aires province, Argentina. He began to work after finishing elementary school at age 12. He helped his family and worked all his life until he retired at the age of 68. Nevertheless, his current pension/retirement payment is less than 125 dollars per month. In his fifties, he attended high school for adults from 6pm-11pm for three years. He graduated with the highest score in his class! He is a father of four (Alejandra, Braulio, Victoria, and Dr. Rivarola) and grandfather of eight (Leandro-27, Pilar-23, Nicolasa-14, Vicente-19, Jacinta-16, Ignacio-8, Isabela-13, and Antonia-5, these last two are Dr. Rivarola’s daughters). He has been married for 53 years (but they began dating when they were 12 or 13 years old; both are the same age). He loves cooking, spending time with family and friends, traveling, dancing, reading, music, taking walks with his dog, and singing.
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