Reminders for Final Exams

By Paige Robinson, Staff Writer

Attention Regis Students,

You are almost there! As you stand on the threshold of finals week, I want to remind you of something crucial: you are capable, resilient, and equipped to conquer the challenges ahead. The journey you've embarked upon is not easy, but it is extremely rewarding. In the challenges of finals week lies an opportunity for growth, learning, and ultimately triumph. So, as you prepare to face your exams, essays, projects, and more, I urge you to embrace the following affirming statements.

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The Black Panther Party’s Breakfast Program for School Children

By: Paige Robinson, Staff Photographer 

The Black Panther Party (BPP) in the 1960’s is known by many, but not always in a positive way. They are / were seen as a violent terrorist group that was feared by many people in the white community. However, their intentions and actions are rarely spoken about truthfully.

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Leesburg Stockade's Stolen Girls

By Paige Robinson, Staff Photographer 

During the Civil Rights Movement, many members of the Black community fought for equal rights and justice. This included all ages, genders, and backgrounds. In Americus, Georgia, there was a youth group called the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) who led peaceful protests. In July 1963, the SNCC hosted a protest near the Martin Theater, with more than 200 people involved. Police quickly shut down the protest, but the story does not stop there. 

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The Real Lone Ranger

Paige Robinson, Staff Photographer 

What pops into your mind when you think about the Lone Ranger? Most likely a white cowboy on a horse in the Wild West. That would make sense because of how the media portrays the Lone Ranger. Movies have shown the majority of cowboys as white males. However, the famous Lone Ranger was actually inspired by a Black man. In fact, most cowboys in history were Black men.

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