Winter Wonders and Christmas Customs: An Unusual Christmas Eve Tradition

By Austin Price, Staff Writer

Alright you single ladies, this next tradition is for you. This is by far the most unusual and outlandish Christmas tradition I have ever come across, but it certainly is interesting. While this tradition is not as well known in America, it is a holiday celebration staple for the Czech Republic. 

According to an article by OM&M News, “on Christmas Eve, single women find out if they will marry in the following year, by performing an unusual ritual involving the throwing of shoes.”  To perform this ritual, a woman will stand with her back to her front door and then throw one of her shoes over her shoulder. If the shoe lands with the heel towards the door, then it is believed she will remain single. If the shoe lands with the front of the shoe pointing towards the door, then it is thought that she will move out of her parent’s house and make wedding preparations.

While this tradition may be seen as more superstitious than reliable, it serves as either a beacon of hope or as an omen of failure for many women throughout Europe. My advice: do not perform this ritual when you are single, no matter where you live. Instead, perform this ritual in front of your long-term boyfriend in the hopes he will take a hint and finally make a commitment to you based on your shoe throwing abilities.