Humans of Regis: Alex Gallegos

(Photo courtesy of Alex Gallegos)

What brought you to Regis?

That’s an interesting question. My parents met at Creighton University in Nebraska, so they were heavily pushing that. I wanted to go to a college in Colorado. When I got accepted to Regis, my parents were happy that it was Jesuit. I visited Regis to follow up, and when I arrived for my advising meeting, my admissions counselor and I were talking, and he brought up some information I had mentioned in my application essay. Even though it’s his job to make Regis look super caring, he foreshadowed what I would learn here, and that is the fact that the staff cares. I was very excited about the community here and liked the idea of being able to be part of it. I visited a few other colleges that were massive, and I didn’t feel the same thing. So here I am.

What is your favorite Jesuit Value? Why?

I love the idea of men and women for and with others; it’s a call to action. It mitigates the ability to be an absent supporter of something, meaning you can’t sit back and simply say you wish things were better. The “and with” part of that statement emphasizes acting on the intentions you have.

What is your involvement in the Regis community?

I work in University Ministry. It’s a great office to work for. The other work-studies and the pro staff there make it a super welcoming space and very supportive. I’m also in Regis Ramblers and couldn’t be happier there. It’s a group of super different people coming together and making a piece of art because they love the art. We don’t get class credit; we don’t get paid, we put in 9+ hours a week. So you know everyone that is there truly wants to be there.

Why did you choose your major?

My major is psychology. I chose it because I want to be a therapist. An issue I am passionate about is eliminating the stigma of mental illness. We live in a society where someone will readily go the doctor with the flu or broken bone but will try to hide things like depression or anxiety. I don’t see that as their fault. We as a society need to understand that mental illnesses are just that: illnesses. And illnesses require treatment. If we keep portraying mental illnesses as some character flaw, people will not seek treatment. If I want to advocate for that, I need to be educated on that topic.

What has been your fondest memory at Regis?

At the end of each show, the Ramblers have what’s called a candlelight ceremony. It’s used to give closure to the show and say bye to the graduating seniors. We sit around a candle, and people have the option to talk about the year. That was probably my first time at Regis that I saw extremely different people all saying how they came together in such a beautiful environment.

Is there anything else you would like the Regis community to know?

This university is an amazing place, but we still have so much work to do. Let’s work together to make it an inclusive community for all groups. Promote equality and understanding for all the groups that face injustice.

Samantha Jewell Social Media Editor