Humans of Regis: Mary Kate Willden

(Photo courtesy of Mary Kate Wilden)

What brought you to Regis University?

I was drawn to Regis due to the small class size, what I had heard about the education program, and probably most of all the fact that there was a religious component to it.

What is your favorite Jesuit Value? Why?

Cura Personalis, because I’m going to be a teacher and as a teacher you truly care not only for the child’s education, but also individualized attention to the needs of each child, with respect for their individual circumstances and concerns, and an appreciation for his or her particular talents and thoughts.  This really is important to me and guides my outlook on being a teacher.

What has been your fondest memory of Regis?

One of my fondest memories of Regis is the day I had finished finals for my sophomore year and I was walking around campus and it was so beautiful and peaceful.  The grass was so green, there were flowers everywhere and I just remember thinking that I couldn’t believe I was half done with my college experience, but was quite sure I had made the right choice.

What has been your fondest memory with the Regis University Ramblers?

One of my fondest memories was our closing night two years ago for The Drowsy Chaperone and our lead had a big monologue at the end where he talked about how much he loved the play.  His line was “I love this show so much” but on closing night he was close to tears and he said “I love this show and this cast so much” and probably no one except the cast knew that that wasn’t the line but a lot of us were backstage crying right before the big ending number.  You get close to a cast and it’s a special and difficult thing to say goodbye to at the end of a run. 

What are you most looking forward to about this year’s show, Urinetown?

I’m looking forward to sharing what we have worked so hard on for the past semester.  I love the feeling you get opening night when you’re listening to the overture music and you’re dancing around with people who have worked hard to do their best and who you trust to do their best and it all comes together.  The lights go up and you hear the first line and your nervous energy sort of just melts away and its show time!

Is there anything else you would like the Regis community to know?

I have enjoyed my experience at Regis immensely.  One of the deciding factors for me to attend this university was because a club like Ramblers existed and I think it was the best choice for me to make.  I am grateful for my education both curricular and extracurricular.

Samantha Jewell Social Media Editor