Trump’s Health Care Ultimatum

(Photo: Getty Images)

               His way or the highway: President Trump is making Republicans choose between his proposed health care bill and Obama’s Affordable Care Act. When Trump and Paul Ryan became doubtful the bill would pass, the G.O.P. decided to cancel the scheduled vote.

               Struggling to gain support from his own party, Trump moved the date of the big vote to Friday March 24. Ryan refuses comment on whether or not he thinks the vote will pass, but it is reported that Republicans concern about the bill is its costliness.

               Essentially, President Trump is now making it so that either his bill passes on March 24 or ObamaCare stays and Trump moves on with his agenda.

               Not coincidentally, the vote was initially scheduled to take place on March 23, the 7 year anniversary of ObamaCare. But, as speculated by New York Times writer Julie Hirschfeld Davis, failure to pass Trump’s health care would result in a “humiliating loss on the first significant legislative push of his presidency.”

               In defense of the Affordable Care Act, Obama chimed in by writing, “I’ve always said we should build on this law . . . if Republicans are serious about lowering costs while expanding coverage to those who need it, and if they’re prepared to work with Democrats and objective evaluators in finding solutions that accomplish those goals — that’s something we all should welcome.” Any outcome of the vote will offer significant insight on the country’s health care for years to come.

Alanna Shingler Staff Reporter