Perspectives of Black Students at Regis University

By Paige Robinson, Staff Photographer

During Black History Month 2023, I was curious to hear different perspectives from other Black students than myself to engage in their different stories, experiences, advice, and more. Along with me wanting to hear from my peers, I also wanted others to listen and understand what life might be like for a Black student, especially attending a PWI (predominantly white institution). Some responses may be what some expect, while other responses may come as a shock. Many times, Black voices are silenced so people can avoid hearing the hard truth about our lives and our history. I want to put an end to that, and I really hope people can truly feel for the Black students. The responses to the questions below will reflect how each student differs, but also connect. Other fellow Black students can also read this and know they are not alone. This is for those to understand the realities of the minority community, the good and bad.

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BSA Outreach - Centennial Elementary School

Photography by Paige Robinson, Staff Photographer

Members of Regis University’s Black Student Alliance took a trip to Centennial Elementary School to create a sense of belonging and empowerment in young Black individuals. We met with grades Kindergarten through 5th grade and spoke on what it is like to identify as Black, experiences as a Black student, and many more topics. BSA will continue to go to Centennial Elementary every other week on Friday’s to continue to work with the students and staff, and teach more about Black history. We will include more discussions, activities, and games as we continue to get to know the members of this community.